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发信人: assasin (冷血---何时能被加热?), 信区: Biology
标 题: Molecular and Cell Biology Journal Club
发信站: The unknown SPACE (Sat Jan 18 18:04:19 2003) WWW-POST

I am going to set up a Molecular and Cell Biology Journal Club (MCBJC) on this
board. The purpose is to stimulate idea and technique exchange. The way it
works is that every week I will pick a paper published recently and I ask
several questions about the paper. We discuss the paper and these questions.
Any additional questions are extremely welcome and participations are highly
desired. The topics will cover mainly

Cell cytoskeleton
Cell division
Cellular neuroscience
Developmental biology
Gene expression
Signal transduction pathway

If you are interested, please reply to the board and sign your name (MIT BBS
ID) and your research interest (not necessarily to be in detail). I will see
how many people are interested. If the number exceeds 20, we may start MCBJC.
We can rotate to pick papers of interest. In that way, a schedule will be
necessary. Let’s see how things will go.

※ 来源:.The unknown SPACE bbs.mit.edu.[FROM: 136.152.]


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